Test your Closing Skills
Read the following scenario and see if you can identify at least 5 costly closing mistakes. Next try to answer the 10 skill testing questions.
Closing scenario. Can you find the 5 mistakes?
This is Tom's second meeting with Pat, the media buyer. Tom has just made a powerful presentation that justified the CPM and showed Pat the benefits of advertising in his magazine so Tom is ready to ask for the insertion order.
Salesperson: Pat as you can see, our publication is the most cost effective way to reach your target market. Would you like to go-ahead with this campaign? As I've mentioned our magazine reaches over 15,000 decision makers so you'll be very happy with the response.
Pat: I like what you've shown me so let me think it over. Call me next week and I'll give you an answer.
Salesperson: Thanks for the opportunity and I look forward to talking to you next week./p>
Skill testing closing questions
1. Most prospects will try to delay making a buying decision so what technique will allow you to overcome their procrastination?
2. What response would turn these common objections into sales?
Let me think it over and I'll get back to you.
I need to talk to my partner first.
I'd like to look at a few other publications before I decide.
3. What must you never do after asking a closing question? (This common mistake is costing you sales.)
4. Most salespeople know one closing technique but most sales do not occur until the ______ closing attempt.
5. Closing at the wrong time can be a costly mistake. When is the only time to close? (Hint. It's not at the end of the presentation.)
6. Why should you never ask for an insertion order?
7. How can you test the water to see if your prospect is ready to be closed?
8. Instead of giving you an insertion order the prospect says I'm still not sure about the size of the ad, so why don't you get back to me next week. How would you close the sale now?
9. Give 5 examples of how to land the account without asking for the insertion order.
10. Prospect: If I decide to go-ahead with this campaign, can I get into the next issue? Salesperson: Absolutely, as long as I get your artwork by the 21st. What closing mistake did this salesperson just make?
Nothing will have a great immediate impact on your sales then developing your closing skills
Not to minimize the importance of making a powerful presentation, but if you haven't mastered your closing skills you are losing sales. Download Get the Insertion Order Now today and discover the time-tested closing techniques that the industry's most successful account executives are using to turn prospects into advertisers.
